Published by the Reader
Collection, Ontario Canada, 2014 ISBN 978-0-9937035-1-5
Reader Collection >
Guides > History of Japanese Art: Bird Prints
I have been interested
in birds and their depiction in art for many years. I find Japanese bird
prints particularly interesting because they are delightfully diverse. This
diversity applies not only to the species of birds depicted but also to the
artistic style of depiction. With the help of bird identification guides I
was able to identify the bird species drawn by Japanese print artists but
it was more challenging to understand why these artists drew birds using
different styles. There were no stylistic guides available for Japanese
bird prints. For help I turned to books about Japanese art and discovered
that it changed from being influenced initially by Chinese art to later
being influenced by European art. To determine whether this historical
shift in influence helped to explain stylistic diversity in bird prints I
arranged the prints chronologically and compared their characteristics with
those of Chinese and European art. This book includes my findings. In this
book I also explain how the species of birds chosen for depiction by
Japanese bird printmakers changed through time and include examples of the
work of notable printmakers active during different periods. I hope that
this history of the how (i.e., style), what (i.e., bid species) and who
(i.e., artist) of Japanese bird prints helps others to better understand
and appreciate their delightful diversity.